Newport council drops post-NATO bombshell

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 4

Why on earth did I imagine it could last? Yesterday, as the NATO summit ended, the whole of Newport was on a high having extended a warm Welsh welcome to 22 world leaders, the international media, 9,500 courteous and very friendly police … Continued

Sharing Newport with NATO

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 0

As the final day of the NATO summit comes to an end, I’ve been thinking what an extraordinary week it’s been here in Newport. While President Obama, David Cameron, Angela Merkel and other leaders of the 28 NATO countries have been involved … Continued

Running the Newport Half Marathon

posted in: Running, South Wales, Wales | 0

Well it’s over… for another year, at least. There’s a great sense of satisfaction in running a half marathon. I understand non-runners might think we’re all completely bonkers (and there are times I tend to agree with them), but running … Continued

Public toilets in Wales… no longer very convenient

  As a wanderer who is often far from home when I feel the urge, I’ve been pondering what effect the forthcoming round of public sector cuts will have on public toilets. Sadly, when money is scarce (and let’s be … Continued