Walking to Carvoeiro with Google maps

posted in: Algarve, Central Algarve, England, Portugal | 0

There were several reasons for me walking to Carvoeiro. First and foremost, I’d set myself the challenge of walking 100 miles in June, which meant I needed to get out for some solitary walking on weekdays as well as at … Continued

Exmoor – Lynton circular

Don’t ever be deceived into thinking places that look idyllic are necessarily filled with pleasant, peace-loving people. This morning we got a glimpse of the darker side of village life, i.e. the disdain some local people feel towards visitors, when Harri … Continued

Exmoor – Whitstone Post to Porlock circular

Thankfully, today’s weather was a marked improvement on yesterday’s and, though I’ve long stopped believing anything the BBC weathermen say, the forecast was good. Unfortunately, good weather in October doesn’t generally mean warm and sunny, and it was as cold … Continued

Exmoor – County Gate to Lynmouth circular

We’d listened to this morning’s forecast with dismay. So far on our October trip we’d been lucky with the weather; now it seemed our luck was about to run out … at four o’clock to be precise. If we wanted to … Continued