I’ve been blogging about hiking and running on various platforms since August 2011. For the first few years, my blogs focused mostly on hiking in Wales – and occasionally over the border in England. There was a lot of rain, mist and – my biggest bugbear – mud! Then, in November 2018, we left the UK to live in Portugal and I found myself blogging about hiking in warm and sunny weather, about keeping going in extreme heat and exploring a new country.
Blogging about hiking is much like keeping a modern-day diary or journal in that it provides a lasting memoir of your own life; it also means that on those grim days when it’s impossible to venture outside, Harri and I can log onto my blog and reminisce about the seventeen years of hiking adventures we’ve shared.
Somewhere along the way I decided to dip my toe into travelogue writing, which is not very different to writing a blog, especially when you’re as long-winded as me!
I have now published three ebooks about hiking in Wales and Portugal (also available as Amazon paperbacks):
• Never too old to backpack: O Fôn i Fynwy: a 364-mile walk through Wales
• The Via Algarviana: walking 300km across the Algarve
PR routes
In 2024, I started a new project to document all the PR routes we’ve walked in the Algarve and the Alentejo . This is definitely a work in progress – and it’s going to take while to write up all those we’ve walked, let alone walk them all (in our dreams). My intention is to provide an honest overview of each PR route, rather than wax lyrically if the route doesn’t deserve it (as official sources tend to do!).
Harry Garrod Roberts
My partner-in-crime has written a fair few guidebooks about hiking in Wales. Check out his titles here .