Dylan’s Walks with Derek: Swansea and Llansteffan

posted in: Wales, West Wales | 0

    There’s not an original plot in the world… nor, it would seem, an original idea. Sometime last summer, we decided to devise a book of walks based in and around the towns and villages in West Wales where … Continued

Public toilets in Wales… no longer very convenient

  As a wanderer who is often far from home when I feel the urge, I’ve been pondering what effect the forthcoming round of public sector cuts will have on public toilets. Sadly, when money is scarce (and let’s be … Continued

Ferry Cross the Towy

posted in: Wales, West Wales | 3

Regular readers will remember me being less than enamoured with the route the Wales Coast Path follows in parts of Carmarthenshire; endless churned up fields, unacceptably muddy approaches to many stiles, cow pats everywhere and, last summer at least, an … Continued