It’s a dog’s life for a sign writer

posted in: For fun | 0

We see so many signs relating to dogs on our travels that I’m starting to think sign writing would cease to exist as a profession if our national obsession with dog ownership abated. It seems that everywhere we go there are … Continued

O Fôn i Fynwy – Day 23 Monmouth to Chepstow)

  The homeward leg. Chepstow is just seventeen miles down river. By early evening, we’ll have finally reached ‘Fynwy’ and the end of our adventure. Over breakfast, Harri asked if walking through Wales had made our country seem bigger or smaller … Continued

Sharing Newport with NATO

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 0

As the final day of the NATO summit comes to an end, I’ve been thinking what an extraordinary week it’s been here in Newport. While President Obama, David Cameron, Angela Merkel and other leaders of the 28 NATO countries have been involved … Continued

Somerset: signs, scribbles and just plain silliness

posted in: England, England Coast Path | 0

Being an aspiring wordsmith, I take huge enjoyment from the written word. When we’re out and about on hiking trips I always enjoy reading the local interpretation boards, information leaflets… even the signposts. Most are pretty dull or just plain … Continued