Returning to Wales – what I loved Part 2

posted in: For fun, South Wales, Wales | 3

  There’s a special charm about returning to the place you spent almost your entire life: everything feels familiar and yet you perceive your surroundings with the fresh perspective of the visitor you now are. To carry on from Returning … Continued

Backpacking in hot weather

With all the recent publicity about people disappearing when out walking in hot weather, i was intrigued to find this long-buried post on my website. It dates back to June 2014, however I’m sure the original guest author – Joseph … Continued

Returning to Wales – what I loved Part I

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 4

We recently travelled to Wales for a two-week holiday. Ours was a momentous trip in as much as it was the first time Harri has returned to the land of our fathers since we moved lock, stock and barrel to … Continued