Newport council drops post-NATO bombshell

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 4

Why on earth did I imagine it could last? Yesterday, as the NATO summit ended, the whole of Newport was on a high having extended a warm Welsh welcome to 22 world leaders, the international media, 9,500 courteous and very friendly police … Continued

Running the Newport Half Marathon

posted in: Running, South Wales, Wales | 0

Well it’s over… for another year, at least. There’s a great sense of satisfaction in running a half marathon. I understand non-runners might think we’re all completely bonkers (and there are times I tend to agree with them), but running … Continued

Caerwent: our last Monmouthshire castle

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 0

Isn’t it strange how the things you’re least looking forward to frequently turn out to be the most enjoyable and memorable? I reckon it’s all down to the law of diminishing returns – the more excited you are about something, … Continued

Location, location … and an access road

posted in: Wales | 2

As kids growing up in the sixties, sunny Sunday afternoons usually meant one thing: my sister and I being bundled, often protesting, into the back of my grandad’s ancient Morris Minor and whisked off to The Countryside, Topsy and Tim style. My maternal … Continued