Returning to Wales – what I loved Part I

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 4

We recently travelled to Wales for a two-week holiday. Ours was a momentous trip in as much as it was the first time Harri has returned to the land of our fathers since we moved lock, stock and barrel to … Continued

Newport council drops post-NATO bombshell

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 4

Why on earth did I imagine it could last? Yesterday, as the NATO summit ended, the whole of Newport was on a high having extended a warm Welsh welcome to 22 world leaders, the international media, 9,500 courteous and very friendly police … Continued

Carmarthen Bay and Gower

posted in: Wales, West Wales | 1

We’re really excited that Harri’s second book is being published this summer by Northern Eye Books. I’ll write about the area properly in another blog but in the mean time I thought I’d share the publisher’s blurb.   Harri’s book is … Continued