A tale of two rivers: part 1 – the Ebbw

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 2

With summer almost upon us and very little local hiking done this year, Harri felt it was time we challenged ourselves to a longish walk. Nothing on the scale of the mammoth treks tackled by those hardcore types at the … Continued

Newport council drops post-NATO bombshell

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 4

Why on earth did I imagine it could last? Yesterday, as the NATO summit ended, the whole of Newport was on a high having extended a warm Welsh welcome to 22 world leaders, the international media, 9,500 courteous and very friendly police … Continued

Wales’ first Juniors parkrun for Newport

posted in: Running, South Wales, Wales | 2

My eight-year-old grand-daughter looked up at me tearfully, then carefully inspected her grazed arm and mud-covered leggings. We had stopped running when she toppled over but a moment or two had passed and I detected there was an internal battle … Continued

Newport, Newport

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 0

  After all the heavy rain of Sunday and Monday (plus the mini cyclone in Rhiwderin on Monday afternoon which no-one except me seemed to notice but which sent my antique Bridgend Creamery milk urn hurtling up the garden to … Continued