A tale of two rivers: part 2 – the Rhymney

posted in: South Wales, Wales, Wales Coast Path | 0

Rivers that don’t flow into one another are generally separated by a stretch of coastline. Thus, having walked miles downriver to the mouth of the Ebbw, we now had some coastal walking to do before we reached the Rhymney. Fortunately, this was mostly along … Continued

A tale of two rivers: part 1 – the Ebbw

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 2

With summer almost upon us and very little local hiking done this year, Harri felt it was time we challenged ourselves to a longish walk. Nothing on the scale of the mammoth treks tackled by those hardcore types at the … Continued

Wales’s Great Trails

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 1

A guest blog by Harri Roberts.   According to the Long Distance Walkers Association, there are over 1,400 long-distance paths and trails in the UK, covering a total of more than 81,000 miles. The vast majority of these routes are … Continued

It’s a dog’s life for a sign writer

posted in: For fun | 0

We see so many signs relating to dogs on our travels that I’m starting to think sign writing would cease to exist as a profession if our national obsession with dog ownership abated. It seems that everywhere we go there are … Continued