A tale of two rivers: part 1 – the Ebbw

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 2

With summer almost upon us and very little local hiking done this year, Harri felt it was time we challenged ourselves to a longish walk. Nothing on the scale of the mammoth treks tackled by those hardcore types at the … Continued

I’m glad I caught the running bug

posted in: Running, Wales | 2

I glanced at my weekly email from parkrun HQ. “Congratulations on completing your 82nd parkrun and your 82nd at Newport today. You finished in 166th place and were the 41st lady out of a field of 311 parkrunners and you … Continued

When a picture’s worth 1,000 words

posted in: For fun, South Wales, Wales, Walkingworld | 9

Standing at a busy Cardiff junction earlier this week, my camera poised, I realised I was attracting curious glances from passers-by. You could see what they were thinking – why would anyone be photographing a pedestrian crossing when 45 degrees … Continued