Returning to Wales – what I loved Part 2

posted in: For fun, South Wales, Wales | 3

  There’s a special charm about returning to the place you spent almost your entire life: everything feels familiar and yet you perceive your surroundings with the fresh perspective of the visitor you now are. To carry on from Returning … Continued

Death of a … walker’s wife

posted in: For fun, Wales | 2

Okay, so perhaps not the most original of titles, but it kind of sums up what’s coming next. Besides, the idea of playing second fiddle – of being an appendage – to the ‘main’ player, i.e. Harri, seems pretty old-fashioned … Continued

It’s a dog’s life for a sign writer

posted in: For fun | 0

We see so many signs relating to dogs on our travels that I’m starting to think sign writing would cease to exist as a profession if our national obsession with dog ownership abated. It seems that everywhere we go there are … Continued