A tale of two rivers: part 1 – the Ebbw

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 2

With summer almost upon us and very little local hiking done this year, Harri felt it was time we challenged ourselves to a longish walk. Nothing on the scale of the mammoth treks tackled by those hardcore types at the … Continued

Graig Diamond Jubilee Path – Part 2

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 1

After my recent disastrous foray into Graig’s wilderness, I made certain I was prepared for today’s resumption of the circular walk – long trousers, sturdy shoes and plenty to nibble on if the walk took a tad longer than anticipated. … Continued

Graig Diamond Jubilee Path – Part 1

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 7

A brand spanking new way mark recently caught Harri’s attention while he was out running. Just a stone’s throw from our home and embracing many of our regular walking/running routes, the Graig Diamond Jubilee Path was nonetheless exciting news to … Continued