Central Algarve: ‘outdoor moments’ around Montes Mourinhas

We’ve taken to calling our little daily jaunts around Montes Mourinhas our ‘outdoor moments’ simply because that’s the delightful way the permitted daily exercise was translated on official guidance. I’ve always loved being by the sea, which was the main … Continued

Central Algarve: 10km stroll from Montes Mourinhos

Today marks the end of our second week of self-isolation here in Montes Mourinhos. The Portuguese government announced a State of Emergency on March 18; however, most people we know had quite rightly decided to stop socialising – and small … Continued

An outdoor writer is born

posted in: Algarve, Central Algarve, South Wales | 2

Back in October, I approached Walkingworld to ask if they would consider venturing into the Algarve, metaphorically speaking. The site – an online walking community – has been around for quite a few years now, yet had no contributors covering … Continued