The Algarve is most definitely not flat

Goodness, it’s often so difficult to resist being drawn into the Facebook malarkey that offers itself up as honest discussion but mostly I do stop myself dashing off a response. Until today, when some silly woman living on the Silver … Continued

Central Algarve: the potteries of Porches

I’m still relatively new to this outdoor writing lark; however, the one thing I learned from Harri is it’s essential to get the route right. This is true whether you’re hiking in South Wales or walking in and around Armação de … Continued

Montes Mourinhos to Porches Velhos circular

Having opted to go running yesterday, we chose to spend our ‘outdoor moment’ walking today and duly set off in the direction of Porches Velhos. For those who don’t know the area, Porches Velhos is the stuff of dreams, the … Continued

An outdoor writer is born

posted in: Algarve, Central Algarve, South Wales | 2

Back in October, I approached Walkingworld to ask if they would consider venturing into the Algarve, metaphorically speaking. The site – an online walking community – has been around for quite a few years now, yet had no contributors covering … Continued