Backpacking in hot weather

With all the recent publicity about people disappearing when out walking in hot weather, i was intrigued to find this long-buried post on my website. It dates back to June 2014, however I’m sure the original guest author – Joseph … Continued

Fishermen’s Trail: Day 12 Burgau to Praia da Luz and onto Lagos (@16km)

Our last day on the Fishermen’s Trail has finally dawned and today we will be walking from Burgau to Lagos, where the trail officially ends (or begins if you are walking the trail in the opposite direction). For the first … Continued

Fishermen’s Trail: Day 9 Carrapateira – Vila do Bispo (16km)

We undertook to walk the Fishermen’s Trail from beginning to end – no ifs no buts – which meant we would be sticking with the ‘difficult’ route to Vila do Bispo today, despite an inland alternative being available. Had I … Continued