Dylan’s Walks with Derek: New Quay and Laugharne

posted in: Wales, West Wales | 0

After thoroughly enjoying the first of two Dylan Thomas-themed episodes of Weatherman Walking, we were eager to catch up with Derek Brockway as he travelled still farther west. As I’ve explained, we were particularly interested in this programme because the … Continued

Dylan’s Walks with Derek: Swansea and Llansteffan

posted in: Wales, West Wales | 0

    There’s not an original plot in the world… nor, it would seem, an original idea. Sometime last summer, we decided to devise a book of walks based in and around the towns and villages in West Wales where … Continued

The sunset in Llŷn

  I was planning to call this blog ‘The Moon In Lleyn’ (the title of an R S Thomas poem) but a fellow Welsh blogger beat me to it so, having a particular penchant for sunsets, I’ve come up with my own … Continued

5 Cwmdonkin Drive – home of Dylan Thomas

posted in: South Wales, Wales, Wales Coast Path | 1

  As the wind howls outside and the intermittent rain makes this year’s run-up to Christmas decidedly non-festive, it’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to venture outside purely for pleasure. While lots has been happening in our lives lately, I have … Continued