Dylan’s Walks with Derek: New Quay and Laugharne

posted in: Wales, West Wales | 0

After thoroughly enjoying the first of two Dylan Thomas-themed episodes of Weatherman Walking, we were eager to catch up with Derek Brockway as he travelled still farther west. As I’ve explained, we were particularly interested in this programme because the … Continued

Dylan’s Walks with Derek: Swansea and Llansteffan

posted in: Wales, West Wales | 0

    There’s not an original plot in the world… nor, it would seem, an original idea. Sometime last summer, we decided to devise a book of walks based in and around the towns and villages in West Wales where … Continued

Exploring Laugharne

We were back in Laugharne this week. It’s a place we’ve visited several times over the past year or so, but this time round you could sense excitement in the air as this small Carmarthenshire town on the Taf estuary … Continued

Ceredigion – Wales’s flagship coast path

Some projects are just too ambitious – and too important – for their component parts to be delegated. The Wales Coast Path is a point in case. For reasons that have always eluded me, the Welsh Government (of which I’m … Continued