St David’s Day: castles, dolphins and an open mind

  It hasn’t yet been declared an official bank holiday, but St David’s Day remains one of the key dates on the Welsh calendar. It seems that David himself was a simple man, a vegetarian teetotaller whose most famous miracle … Continued

Public toilets in Wales… no longer very convenient

  As a wanderer who is often far from home when I feel the urge, I’ve been pondering what effect the forthcoming round of public sector cuts will have on public toilets. Sadly, when money is scarce (and let’s be … Continued

Machen Forge Trail with a spring in my step

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 1

When we were little we had two pet tortoises called Peter Petra and Micky. Every autumn we’d help our parents fill two cardboard boxes with straw and we’d put one tortoise in each. Cosy and warm, they’d hibernate until the … Continued