The art of stile

In my previous life as a local newspaper reporter (the South Wales Argus if anyone’s wondering), we’d spend the weeks leading up to Christmas frantically searching out stories that were not topical or time sensitive – articles or features that … Continued

5 Cwmdonkin Drive – home of Dylan Thomas

posted in: South Wales, Wales, Wales Coast Path | 1

  As the wind howls outside and the intermittent rain makes this year’s run-up to Christmas decidedly non-festive, it’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to venture outside purely for pleasure. While lots has been happening in our lives lately, I have … Continued

Ceredigion – Wales’s flagship coast path

Some projects are just too ambitious – and too important – for their component parts to be delegated. The Wales Coast Path is a point in case. For reasons that have always eluded me, the Welsh Government (of which I’m … Continued

To be or not to be: the England Coast Path

The Ramblers is urging its members (and its One Coast For All petition supporters, of whom I’m one) to donate £12 each to help the organisation compile and publish a report to highlight the benefits of a continuous English Coast … Continued