Returning to Wales – what I loved Part I

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 4

We recently travelled to Wales for a two-week holiday. Ours was a momentous trip in as much as it was the first time Harri has returned to the land of our fathers since we moved lock, stock and barrel to … Continued

The Algarve Book Cellar

posted in: Algarve, Central Algarve, Novel writing | 2

I’d heard about the secondhand book shop in Carvoeiro ages ago but, despite living little more than 12 km away, I’d never got round to visiting it. Fortunately, that all changed when I was visiting my friend Jane recently and … Continued

The levada of Lagoa

posted in: Central Algarve, Hiking Algarve | 0

Back in November, Harri and I finished a walk from Lagoa with a short stretch of levada walking. Though we decided to abort our planned 30-kilometre hike due to an unexpected downpour and only walked 23.4 kilometres, we were excited … Continued