Via Algarviana: Monchique to Marmelete

The wind continued to howl throughout the night, or so Harri reported this morning. Yesterday’s walking had clearly worn me out because I’d slept like a baby. We caught up with the Flemish hikers over breakfast and were astonished to discovered they’d abandoned the … Continued

Via Algarviana: Silves to Monchique

Four days ago, we’d glimpsed the twin peaks of Fóia (902 metres) and Picota (774 metres) in the Serra de Monchique for the first time. Later this afternoon – towards the end of a very long day’s hiking – we … Continued

Via Algarviana: São Bartolomeu de Messines to Silves

We hadn’t paid much attention to the football last night, but we guessed the result had pleased local people because the partying had gone on long after our heads hit the pillow. Whether it was the noise, too much wine … Continued

The Via Algarviana: Salir to Alte

If we’d been impressed with Casa da Mãe yesterday, we were even more appreciative of its charms on this glorious morning when the air was filled with birdsong and the scent of eucalyptus. Breakfast was a lavish affair with warm croissants … Continued