Rocha da Pena and Penina

I thought we last hiked Rocha da Pena two years, but it was in fact three years ago that we walked from Albufeira to Salir and, the next day, tackled this beauty of a mountain. This was our first real … Continued

Grande Rota de Guadiana (Monte Francisco to Foz de Odeleite)

posted in: Algarve, Portugal | 2

For the first time since we walked the Via Algarviana in May 2015, we were heading to the Portugal–Spain border – and this time we made the journey by car rather than the painfully slow Algarve train. A few days … Continued

Via Algarviana: Vila do Bispo to Sagres

Our last day on the trail. By early afternoon, we would have reached Cabo de São Vicente and the end of the Via Algarviana. Rather than feeling elated that we were about to achieve what we’d set out to do, we … Continued