O Fôn i Fynwy – Day 23 Monmouth to Chepstow)

  The homeward leg. Chepstow is just seventeen miles down river. By early evening, we’ll have finally reached ‘Fynwy’ and the end of our adventure. Over breakfast, Harri asked if walking through Wales had made our country seem bigger or smaller … Continued

O Fôn i Fynwy – Day 17 (Rhandirmwyn to Llandovery)

I’m not sure today’s dismal six miles count as a stroll, let alone a hike. And the reason for cutting our day’s walking so short… at some point this afternoon and for no fathomable reason, I experienced a meltdown. Let me … Continued

O Fôn i Fynwy – walking Wales from end to end

When Harri was about 18 he bought a copy of Tony Drake’s book, The Cambrian Way, in an outdoor shop opposite Cardiff Castle. From that day on, he always hoped he would one day complete the high level walk described … Continued