The Wales-England borderline

posted in: England, Wales | 3

We’ve just started an exciting new hiking project and it’s taking us to the intriguing place that is border country. Borders have always been a source of fascination for me. On mainland Britain, we have only two – Wales/England and … Continued

Location, location … and an access road

posted in: Wales | 2

As kids growing up in the sixties, sunny Sunday afternoons usually meant one thing: my sister and I being bundled, often protesting, into the back of my grandad’s ancient Morris Minor and whisked off to The Countryside, Topsy and Tim style. My maternal … Continued

When a picture’s worth 1,000 words

posted in: For fun, South Wales, Wales, Walkingworld | 9

Standing at a busy Cardiff junction earlier this week, my camera poised, I realised I was attracting curious glances from passers-by. You could see what they were thinking – why would anyone be photographing a pedestrian crossing when 45 degrees … Continued