The wonder of chunder

posted in: Running, South Wales, Wales | 0
Taking it nice and slowly... the first pint at The Three Blackbirds
Taking it nice and slowly… the first pint at The Three Blackbirds

While hiking remains my lifelong passion, I must admit to being a little taken with running in my later years.

I was, thus, very flattered to be asked to do some guest blogs for my running club, Lliswerry Runners.

You can read my first one at:


Face to face with the devil (the lovely Justin)
Face to face with the devil (the lovely Justin)

Unfortunately, I couldn’t work out how to add images to that website but future blogs will also be posted here with all the gory details captured in full colour.

Be warned though… they will be about running, which is fast becoming a family addiction.

Some of the less sober participants at the end of a long, slow (pub) crawl
Some of the less sober participants at the end of a long, slow (pub) crawl

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