Black Mountains: the Grwyne Fawr valley

posted in: South Wales, Wales | 0

Setting off on a 22-mile walk in the Black Mountains the morning after a friend’s 60th birthday party when, for once, I wasn’t ‘Des’ probably wasn’t the greatest idea in the world. Oh, and I’d just happened to run my first ever … Continued

O Fôn i Fynwy – Day 22 (Llanthony to Monmouth)

  It’s hard to believe we only have two days of walking left. Sometime tomorrow evening we’ll stagger into Chepstow where Harri’s good friend, Newport poet Goff Morgan, will be waiting to drive us home. After just over three weeks and nearly 400 … Continued

Talgarth – not a town to bypass

posted in: Mid Wales, Wales | 7

Until a few years ago, Talgarth was one of those places you avoided like the plague. Not that it was easy to avoid if you were travelling through the middle of Wales. This small market town with a population of … Continued