My 2019 diary (part two)
A quick recap on the first six months of 2019: Our UK property sale continues to drag on I’m still spending the majority of my time hiking, running and writing While we loved the Silver Coast in many ways, we … Continued
writing and hiking in the sun
A quick recap on the first six months of 2019: Our UK property sale continues to drag on I’m still spending the majority of my time hiking, running and writing While we loved the Silver Coast in many ways, we … Continued
Harri and I couldn’t decide where to head for our last hike in the beautiful Alpujarra region. Harri fancied another trip to Lanjarón, which has been our preferred walking area, but I thought I had a better idea We’ve both … Continued
Unless we set off really early, it’s now far too hot to hike in the Alpujarras. The local walking group doesn’t meet during July and August, and it’s rare for us to encounter anyone else when we are walking in … Continued
We almost visited Soportújar a few weeks ago; however the route Harri had chosen became a little bit too vertiginous and precipitous for me after we left Canar (both words were used in the walk instructions but Harri failed to … Continued