Never too old to backpack: O Fôn i Fynwy: a 364-mile walk through Wales’
Never too old to backpack: O Fôn i Fynwy: a 364-mile walk through Wales


An avowed hater of camping, rain and mud, the author sets out to walk from one end of Wales to another with her partner, outdoor writer Harri Garrod Roberts.

With a birthday looming, her rucksack stuffed to capacity and the memory of a disastrous six-day, five-blister backpacking trip in Somerset still fresh in her mind, will she be up to the challenge ahead?

But walk it she must. For ‘O Fôn i Fynwy’ is a long-distance end to end walk devised by Harri to showcase the most stunning landscapes Wales has to offer.

This book is a personal account of the 364-mile journey as the couple hike the undulating and frequently mountainous route from Holyhead to Chepstow.

From a sleepless night on a Bronze Age settlement to meltdown in Llandovery, a hunt for a long-lost friend in Beddgelert to karaoke in Brecon, join the author as she encounters the very best (and worst) that Wales – and long-distance hiking – has to throw at her.

Never too old to backpack: O Fôn i Fynwy: a 364-mile walk through Wales’ by Tracy Burton is available from Amazon’s Kindle Store priced at £2.99.


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